Effective marketing is one the keys to the success and sustainability of a business. Market Penetration then dominance!
In today’s world, for empoweredpreneurs to be able to market effectively it is important that they equip themselves with the right tools. Just like our caveman ancestors used tools to hunt successfully, today’s entrepreneurs need to use the right tools to market successfully!
This one is the big one!
Google analytics provides you information about all the activity on your sites, social media, and apps. It’s a marketing analytics tool that sends you data on who visits your sites, what content has made the most impact, information on your customers: age, gender, preferences. Basically, it helps you measure the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.
It presents insights in a systematic manner helping you make informed marketing decisions and thereby increase business performance.
Never underestimate the power of marketing mailers!
Email marketing is here to stay. Having said that, it is important to ensure that your mailers don’t get buried under the barrage of information hitting your customers or prospective customers’ mailbox on a daily basis.
This is where Maichimp comes in. It helps you design email marketing campaigns. It provides previews to show you how your emails will look. It helps reduce chances of your email being processed as spam. It can be connected to your social media platforms. It also gives you a report on on your emails: read, unread, the total numbers of views, and sales/conversions, Click through rates, mobile templates ( which are the market NOW) if you don’t have one of these, YOU should, Mailchimp is one of the most cost-effective starting point.
The starting point..
Unbounce is a user friendly software for designing landing page templates. You don’t need to learn coding for this one! You can easily integrate it with a WordPress website. You can run A/B testing which allows you to see which design for your landing page helps you convert better. The templates are customized and mobile responsive. Fast to use, or you might want to use leadpages too!
Makes everything easier.
A free online- tool, IFTTT- if this, then that, helps you automate tasks. Automation can be used for sending daily updates and reminders to your phone, to save pics from your Instagram or Facebook to your DropBox, or send you email notifications.
Basically, you can create your own “recipes” for “if this happens” “then what should follow”. Example, If upload pictures to my Social media drop box folder then upload to my facebook business account. Intergrate everything! cause repeat chain reactions of multi-tasking!
Helps you make better business decisions.
Crowd review has categories for business, consumers, and software. It is a platform that helps you make purchasing decisions by sharing reviews by users that ultimately determine a product’s ranking. There is sufficient transparency to trust their rankings.
For the visual appeal.
Canva is an easy to use graphic design software that helps you create infographics and images for online marketing. What’s more, it’s free! You can use it to create images for social media, your blog, presentation, or an invitation card from the multiple templates that they offer.
They do have a premium option for which you need to pay however the design options for that version make it worth the price.
Rightly said. Rightly done.
Content is the king. You need the right images and compelling content to make an impact online. RightlyWritten provides professional copywriting services that are are fairly priced and delivered uber fast! check it out.
Helps keep track of the word out there on everything.
Mention is a software that helps you see what conversations are happening online about businesses and brands. It works as a social monitoring tool. Easy to use, it collects data from online channels helping you see what people are saying about your brand and your competitors’ brands. Unleash your informants now!
Business dashboard.
This is a web analytics tool. It helps you track user behaviour patterns: page visits, impact, new users. Basically it provides data on key metrics. All the essentials in one place, a higher price point BUT when following your conversions, It offers things that Google Analytics just can’t. keep it to look at all your results and know what is fueling your sales funnels so you can repeat successful results.
Keeps tab on the online buzz.
Provides insights on content. You get to see what content has made the most impact online and received maximum shares. You can filter as per keywords or topics. It provides you details such as the date the blog/post was published, what was its length, and how many shares it received. This helps you devise effective content strategies. Smart content prediction tool!
If you have other great tools like one I didn’t mention: pushcrew.com, let us know in the bottom, share knowledge to make us ALL more EMPOWERED!
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