Bring projects to market Upto 6 times faster than the competition
Most Brilliant Minds/ ideas run into a certain amount of problems:
- Ideas get too big too fast,
- The Time to create something awesome takes you upto 5 times longer than what you ever anticipated
- or your amazing idea is brought to market by someone else that is using Scrum management.
Scrum teams are Cloaked and often deliver results upto 6 times faster usually at least double the rate of regular teams. This Super Eclective movement can take its ideas to market often faster than you can finish phase one! Every week it gets faster and faster. The systems evolves rather than people blaming people defending their values and separating into cliques. In scrum we are all one.
You See this is Evolutionary system is an important tool in your aresenal of success.
Every Empoweredpreneur needs to at least KNOW THY SCRUM. The framework has been used by The C.I.A, Apple in efforts to reduce Lemons. Asian Factories helped birth theses concepts so small & medium teams can achieve MULTINATIONAL RESULTS. You are reading this for a reason because SCRUM SHOULD be used by you, You can take a few ideas and weave it into your existant project, chore, team management phillosophy! We have been using it at EMPOWEREDpreneur for multiple projects, the results are OUTSTANDING! A fine EMPOWEREDpreneur deserves almost ALL the Credit for Scrum, His name is: Jeff Sutherland. when you use his system, You will be able to accomplish double what you could before on Most projects. You have everything to gain, unless you are already using scrum ( if you are, we would love to hear your comments on the bottom of this post on how well its working for you!
Scrum Executive Summary:
- Pick a product owner:
- one with vision of what you are going to do, make happen or accomplish
- they look at risks,
- They establish what can and can’t be done
- use what they are passionate about
- Steve jobs was a product owner
- see chap 8 of Scrum
- Pick a team: who is going to make the vision a reality
- make sure they have all the skills you need
- teams are best from 3-9
- listen to chapter 3 for more info
- Pick a scrum master
- will coach rest of the team to use scrum framework
- will remove all blocks for team so they work faster
- is responsible for setting up express scrum meetings
- list to chapter 4
- Create and priortize product back log,
- this is a list of everything needed to make the product a reality
- every step ever needed to be accomplished
- in otherwords all steps of the vision
- product owner consults with everyone to make sure that he understands what people want and what can be done this translates into every step for product back log and determines which item will be done first. ( the autonomous if carefully selected will know who does what…
- listen to chapter 8 for more
- refine & estimate product back log
- (this is usually done on sticky notes BUT a g-doc will work for remote teams
- crucial that people that work on making the product backlog estimate how much energy each task will take. this is done as a team
- team looks at each back log item and makes sure it is doable.
- enough info to complete the item
- is it small enough to estimate how much energy to create or does it need to be broken down more?
- what is the definition of complete for this task?
- does it create visible value to the project?
- each item must be completed so that:
- it can be shown, demonstrated, hopefully shipped
- don’t estimate in hours, people suck at that…
- figure it out in size, small, medium or large
- better: use Fibonacci sequence to determine value: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ( this is used for noticeable differences rather than OVER-analyzing task efforts)
- discerning size of project helps people have more accurate planning, they can often accomodate this into a more accurate deadline over a period of sprints rather than using an obscure perception of time.
- better: use Fibonacci sequence to determine value: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ( this is used for noticeable differences rather than OVER-analyzing task efforts)
- figure it out in size, small, medium or large
- Sprint Planning
- first meeting:
- team, product owner & Scrum master sit down to plan “sprints”
- sprints are fixed lengths of time less than a month
- usually 1 or 2 weeks
- take from the backlog all the points you want to accomplish in a sprint
- if you are a seasoned team, measure how many points you accomplished in last spring ( remember each item needs a value or size of project.
- now this will give you team velocity or how much you can deliver in a period of time/ a sprint
- Scrum master and team needs to increase velocity starting each new sprint
- must make sure that all team must understand how each item fulfills the vision of the product
- each meeting each team mate must agree on a goal for the duration of the next sprint
- after the sprint begins you must do everything you say. no adding..
- make work visibile: use an on-line of on-site whiteboard ( scrum board)
- separate it into 3 spaces:
- to do
- doing
- done
- separate it into 3 spaces:
- sticky notes can be used to go through the sequence or you can create a table on excel or Google Spread sheets to move the task through the three phases
- make a burn down chart:
- Scrum Master figures out how many points each day the team is completing and graphs them so people can measure their velocity until the end of the sprint… its a count down until zero…
- each day for no more than 15 minutes the team and scrum master meet up and answer three questions:
- what did you do yesterday to help the team finish the sprint
- what will you do today to help the team finish the sprint
- is there any obstacle blocking you or the team from achieving the goal…
- that’s the whole goal.
- the team is autonomous
- Scrum master is responsible for removing the teams impediments so the team can accomplish More and MORE every sprint
- first meeting:
- Sprint demo
- people show off everything they have accomplished ( completed features nothing from the backlog)
- this is for stake holders, customers, management or whom ever will benefit from this progressive report. Apple/ Samsung build this into their marketing plans frequently
- its an open meeting
- only show completed features.
- get valuable feedback this way.
- Empower the marketplace/ investors with Steps that build up a launch sequence.
- creates momentum and confidence
- people show off everything they have accomplished ( completed features nothing from the backlog)
- Sprint retrospective:
- type of meeting where we only focus on process:
- focuses on the past sprint to learn how to make the next project/sprint better
- never seeking anyone to blame, only improve the process,
- what can we do to make it better
- seek solutions rather than being accusatory
- must listen to feedback rather than getting defensive
- end of meeting must agree on a process improvement, and see if this impacts velocity in the next sprint
- Immediately start next sprint cycle: and continue “sharpening the saw”
That’s a break down of scrum, To get a better case an point study SO you can implement it more effectively either get the book now, or if you are busy busy busy, Get the audio book, There are books, and their are game changers, If you liked The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, than you are going to revolutionize your Family/Team with Scrum. I guarantee if you implement it you will see staggering results in 2 months or less. The Scrum Framework will get you going. The book will anchor it in as a success forging social habit
Get Scrum Here
Jeff Sutherland, J…
[…] out. Choose your priorities! if you want to use something that also helps plan your weeks out, Try a scrum board schedule deadlines for the week in advance. Emphasise the most important thing on your […]